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User manual for your acupressure products in several languages

Here you will find all the important information to get started right away and take your health into your own hands

English manual

Here you will find all the important information to get started right away and take your health into your own hands

click here

English manual

Here you will find all the important information to get started right away and take your health into your own hands

click here

Instructions en français

Vous trouverez ici toutes les informations importantes pour commencer dès maintenant et prendre votre santé en main

Cliquez ici

Instructions en français

Vous trouverez ici toutes les informations importantes pour commencer dès maintenant et prendre votre santé en main

Cliquez ici

Istruzioni in italiano

Qui troverai tutte le informazioni importanti per iniziare subito e prendere in mano la tua salute

clicca qui

Istruzioni in italiano

Qui troverai tutte le informazioni importanti per iniziare subito e prendere in mano la tua salute

clicca qui

instrucciones en español

Aquí encontrarás toda la información importante para empezar de inmediato y tomar tu salud en tus propias manos.

haga clic aquí

instrucciones en español

Aquí encontrarás toda la información importante para empezar de inmediato y tomar tu salud en tus propias manos.

haga clic aquí

Do you have any further questions about the use of our acupressure sets?

We are always here for you!
Please contact us
365 days a year
by email:

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