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Stress and stress-related disorders: How acupressure can help

Stress is an omnipresent part of our modern lives. While short-term stress is considered a normal part of life and can help us cope with challenges, chronic stress can have serious health consequences. When stress levels are consistently high, this can lead to stress-related disorders that significantly affect physical and mental well-being. Acupressure, an ancient healing art of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), offers a natural way to reduce stress and restore balance in the body. In this blog post, we will explore the causes and effects of stress and stress-related disorders and explain how acupressure can help alleviate stress and improve quality of life.

What is stress and what are stress-related disorders?

Stress is the body's response to challenges or threats known as "stressors." These stressors can be physical (e.g. illness or injury), emotional (e.g. grief or anxiety), or environmental (e.g. noise or overload). The body responds to stressors with a series of physiological changes known as the "fight-or-flight response." This response increases heart rate, blood pressure, and hormone levels, preparing the body for a rapid reaction.

While this response can be helpful in the short term, chronic stress leads to persistent health problems such as sleep disturbances, anxiety, depression, digestive issues, and cardiovascular diseases. Stress-related disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), occur when stress is so intense or prolonged that the body and mind are no longer able to recover.

Acupressure: A natural method for stress management

Acupressure is a therapy based on the principles of acupuncture but without the use of needles. By pressing specific points on the body, energy blockages are supposed to be released and the flow of Qi (life energy) harmonized. Acupressure can help relax the body, calm the mind, and alleviate symptoms of stress and stress-related disorders.

Key acupressure points for stress relief

There are several acupressure points that are particularly effective in relieving stress and promoting relaxation. Here are some of the key points:

1. Yintang (Third Eye)

  • Location: Between the eyebrows, in the middle of the forehead.
  • Effect: Calms the mind, relieves anxiety and headaches.

    2. Shen Men (Heart 7)

    • Location: At the wrist crease, on the inside of the wrist, in the depression next to the little finger.
    • Effect: Reduces nervousness and insomnia, calms the heart.

    3. Neiguan (Pericardium 6)

    • Location: Three finger widths above the wrist, in the middle of the forearm.
    • Effect: Relieves nausea and anxiety, promotes relaxation.

    4. Hegu (Large Intestine 4)

    • Location: On the back of the hand, in the fleshy area between the thumb and index finger.
    • Effect: Relieves headaches and stress, strengthens the immune system.

      5. Zusanli (Stomach 36)

      • Location: Four finger widths below the kneecap, on the outside of the shinbone.
      • Effect: Strengthens the body, promotes digestion and general well-being.

        Application of acupressure for stress management

        The application of acupressure is simple and can be done anytime, anywhere. Here are some steps to effectively use acupressure for stress management:

        1. Create a quiet environment:

          • Find a quiet place where you can relax. Sit or lie down comfortably.
        2. Breathe deeply:

          • Take a few minutes to breathe deeply and calm your mind. Close your eyes and focus on your breath.
        3. Locate the points:

          • Use your fingers to find the acupressure points mentioned above. Apply gentle but firm pressure to each point and massage it in small circular motions.
        4. Duration and intensity:

          • Massage each point for about 1-2 minutes. The pressure should be comfortable but not painful.
        5. Consistency:

          • Repeat acupressure regularly, especially in times of increased stress. Regular application can help permanently reduce stress levels.

        Scientific background and studies

        Although scientific research on acupressure is still limited, there is evidence that it can be effective in managing stress. A study from 2015, published in the Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies, showed that acupressure can lower stress hormone levels and reduce subjective stress levels. Another study from 2017, published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, found that acupressure led to a significant improvement in sleep quality in patients with chronic stress.

        Additional tips for stress management

        In addition to acupressure, other measures can contribute to stress management:

        • Regular exercise: Physical activity can help reduce stress hormones and release endorphins.
        • Healthy diet: A balanced diet supports the body and mind in stressful times.
        • Relaxation techniques: Practice relaxation exercises such as yoga, meditation, or breathing techniques.
        • Social support: Talk to friends or family about your stressors. Social support can make a big difference.


        Stress and stress-related disorders are widespread and can have significant impacts on health. Acupressure offers a natural, simple, and effective method to reduce stress and promote well-being. By targeting specific points on the body, the flow of energy can be harmonized, and the mind can be calmed. Combined with other stress management measures, acupressure can become a valuable tool in dealing with the challenges of modern life.

        Try acupressure and discover how this ancient healing art can help you manage stress and regain your balance.

        1. Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies, 2015. Study on the effects of acupressure on stress hormone levels.
        2. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2017. Study on the effects of acupressure on sleep quality in chronic stress patients.

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